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Project focused on exploring possibilities when working with plywood

My first plywood sculpture which I made by myself. It was done as a personal project to develop my woodworking skills. It took me two weeks to create this piece from start to finish. I cut all the wood pieces with a plunge saw, sanded them, connected together, added structural support inside, and at the end painted the outside surface.

After cutting out all the pieces with a plunge saw, I connected them using wood beam glue. The whole process wasn't easy as some of the pieces were over 2 metres high.

You can imagine this was tough, but finally I made it. I cut all the pieces of wood under 45 degrees, so that while folding them together you wouldn't see the plywood boards edges. This is very helpful in conserving the wood for the future.

Thanks to that, the edges are sealed with glue. As this is the most vulnerable part of the plywood board, it's important to do it correctly. If the edges happen to stick outside, they will absorb humidity easily and spread it across the whole inside of the board.

If this happens, the plywood board will eventually start distorting and changing dimensions, which would then impact the surface of the wood, making it wavy and uneven.

After all the hard work is done, it's time for some pushing and lifting. A finished piece in those dimensions weighs around 200-400 kg, so it takes some flexing to place it on the car platform and prepare it for transport.

Being an artist means you need to master plenty of diverse skills, from marketing, through design, 3d programs, to construction, painting, photography, social media. I'm not even sure if I didn't forget anything. After all this, voilà! The project is ready.

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